
Quality and Environment Policy

The familiarity that gives rise to our company, founded by Mr. Emilio Huck in 1959, frames the seriousness that distinguishes the exclusive attention to our clients. Reaching the entire country with our own logistics and an outstanding organization throughout our distribution network; our brand is distinguished in the broad Argentine market.

The address of ANEMI focuses the Integrated Management System as a way of organizing its business life, basing it on basic pillars such as the quality of its products, its processes, the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System and Customer Satisfaction. It also applies environmental principles in its entire facility located in the town of Florencia Varela, in order to maintain continuous improvement, with particular emphasis on measures and actions for the protection of the Environment.

ANEMI assumes the commitment to maintain an Integrated Management System and a continuous improvement process, imagining and generating ways to exceed what is expected by its clients under the standards of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

our purpose

For this purpose, the Directorate of the Integrated Management System assumes the commitment to:


Work on customer satisfaction in terms of product and service quality.


Comply with legal requirements and other requirements related to products and the environment.


Prevent pollution through controlled management of the significant environmental aspects derived from our activities.


Continuously improve the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System, implementing the correct execution, control and understanding of daily tasks.


Promote the efficient use of natural resources


Promote training and awareness in terms of quality and environmental protection of all staff.